Hemp, Laws, and Other Industry News

What is industrial hemp?

Industrial hemp was grown as a commodity crop for decades until it was banned in the mid-1930s. Congress decriminalized the crop in 2018, sparking interest in it among growers in Oregon, where hemp can be grown successfully. The plant's uses and restrictions, as well as many frequently asked questions, are outlined in OSU Extension Catalog’s article called What is Industrial Hemp.

What’s the difference between industrial hemp and CBD hemp?

Industrial hemp is grown for fiber and is easier to farm. CBD hemp is grown for applications such as pharmaceutical and dietary supplements, and thus presents several regulatory challenges depending on the product’s end use. CBD hemp also requires significantly more labor. Cannabis Tech explains in their article titled Industrial Hemp Vs. CBD Hemp: Defining the Differences.

What equipment do I need for hemp farming?

Hemp is a new crop that farmers are learning how to cultivate and harvest in real-time. AgPro covers the basics in How to Grow Hemp for CBD, Seed or Fiber.

What are good pest management strategies for hemp?

Because it is such a ‘new’ crop there are very few registered pesticides for use in industrial hemp. The NC Cooperative Extension provides resources in its article titled Industrial Hemp Production – Pest Management.

Where is hemp tested?

Oregon is one of the nation’s first states to implement a regulated hemp testing program. We trust Green Leaf Lab’s extensive experience in product and method development in both cannabis and hemp science. They offer analytical testing services for Industrial Hemp CBD as well as cannabis.

What are the laws governing hemp?

The Congressional Research Service outlines the landscape for hemp in the U.S. in its 2018 publication Hemp as an Agricultural Commodity. Information about Oregon’s Hemp Program can be found here.

How can I stay up to date on the hemp industry?

Oregon maintains an email newsletter to keep growers up to date on hemp news affecting the state. Sign up here.

How can I get involved and support the Oregon Hemp Industry?

The Oregon Industrial Hemp Farmers Association (OIHFA) is the leading authority driving pro-hemp legislation and rule-making forward with Oregon's Agencies, Legislature and U.S. Congressional Delegation. OIHFA is an Oregon non-profit comprised of registered hemp farmers, handlers, and industry stakeholders.

Since 1994, the Hemp Industries Association (HIA)  a non-profit trade association representing more than fifteen-hundred (1,500) supporting, farming and business members. The Association is dedicated to education, industry development, and the accelerated expansion of hemp world market supply and demand but is focused on the rebirth of the hemp industries in the United States.